Nursing Week will be held May 6 - 12, 2024.

It is the annual celebration of our profession that always coincides with the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, on May 12.

RNAO is proud to recognize all nurses for the quality of care they provide to patients, clients and long-term care residents. From the bedside to the classroom and the boardroom, nurses make Ontario, our country and the world a healthier place.


Highlighting RNAO's BPSOs

RNAO representatives will be attending three BPSO events during Nursing Week  to highlight the difference nurses and other health providers are making to optimize the health of Ontarians.

They include the North Western Toronto Ontario Health Team, Archipel Ontario Health Team in Ottawa and Braemar Nursing Home in Wingham. These events will showcase how RNAO’s best practice guidelines are improving quality of care.

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Events listing